He walked in the bank with a dolly rolling along with him. The sound from the coins made everyone look at him instantly.
Otha Anders, the coin master, was part of the Jackson school Board as a supervisor. Children who were suspended were sent to him, and they were quite fond of him.
Anders had a wife and kids, and they support him every step of the way, but his hobby was a bit questionable…
For 45 years he stacked them in five-gallon plastic water jugs. He guessed that he stacked hundreds of thousand of dollars, but he was going to discover soon.
The total amount of pennies Anders had saved over 45 years was $5,136.14! That’s about 114.4$ per year. Who would’ve thought collecting pennies as a hobby could get an “old car” in 45 years?!
He was happy to spend the money on something useful. With the leftover funds he sponsored a family trip and donations