A 3-year-old boy named Oliver Taylor, from Pensby, England, has an intense fear of food and has not eaten anything by mouth for over a year. Diagnosed with malnutrition and dehydration at age 2 due to his refusal to eat, Oliver’s parents are sharing his story to raise awareness about his condition.
Oliver suffers from a disorder known as avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID), which causes him to have a strong aversion to the taste, texture, or appearance of food. This disorder can result in extreme anxiety around eating, which for Oliver is further complicated by his autism. His mother, Emma Taylor, explains that the fear is sensory-based and that he is terrified of food.
Due to his condition, Oliver has been receiving nourishment through a feeding tube, which he uses for both food and fluids. He was hooked up to feeding machines for much of 2023, with feeding sessions lasting 10 hours overnight and another 4 hours during the day. Last April, a permanent tube was inserted into his stomach. While Oliver has gained some weight through tube feeding, his family is still affected by the challenges it brings, such as missing out on shared family meals and celebrations.
Oliver’s parents are working with a specialist to help him gradually overcome his fear of food. Emma is also speaking out to educate others about ARFID, emphasizing that it is not simply a case of a child refusing to eat and that Oliver would rather starve than eat. She hopes that by sharing his story, others will better understand the condition and its effects.