Asthma is a widespread and often deadly condition, claiming lives daily. The tragic story of 12-year-old Ryan Gibbons highlights how preventable such losses can be. In 2012, Ryan’s death sparked the creation of “Ryan’s Law,” a law aimed at protecting children with asthma.
On October 9, 2012, while playing soccer at school in Ontario, Ryan suffered an asthma attack. His inhaler, locked in the school office, was out of reach. Despite his friends’ efforts, they couldn’t get it in time, and Ryan passed away. The school’s policy prohibited students from carrying inhalers, even though Ryan’s mother, Sandra, repeatedly requested an exception.
Determined to prevent similar tragedies, Sandra campaigned for changes in asthma management at schools. Her efforts led to the passage of “Ryan’s Law” (Bill 135), allowing children with a doctor’s note to carry their inhalers for immediate access.
The law’s success extended beyond Ontario, highlighting a broader issue, especially in the U.S., where inconsistent enforcement of inhaler policies continues to endanger children. Asthma remains a major health concern, claiming more than 10 lives daily in the U.S.
Ryan’s death, while tragic, became a catalyst for change. Sandra’s advocacy ensured that no other child would face the same risk, leaving behind a legacy of protection and awareness for children with asthma.