A three-year-old named Johnny began throwing tantrums and begging his mother, Marla Evans, not to take him to daycare. Concerned and puzzled by this sudden change, Marla decided to visit the daycare unannounced to figure out what was causing her son’s distress.
Johnny had always loved daycare until recently, when he started acting out every morning. Marla consulted their pediatrician, who explained that this could be part of the “terrible threes” phase, a challenging time for toddlers. However, Marla sensed something deeper was going on when she saw fear in Johnny’s eyes during one of his tantrums.
After comforting Johnny, she asked him why he no longer liked daycare, but he refused to provide any details. Marla promised she would pick him up early that day and went to work. She later requested time off to address a personal matter, determined to get to the bottom of Johnny’s distress.
Marla decided to visit the daycare during lunch, though parents weren’t typically allowed in the dining room. Peering through the large glass window, she saw Johnny sitting at the table with a woman she didn’t recognize. The woman was force-feeding him, pushing mashed potatoes into his mouth despite his protests. Johnny looked terrified and upset, which made Marla furious.
Without hesitation, Marla entered the room and confronted the woman, demanding she stop force-feeding her son. She explained that Johnny wasn’t a big eater and should not be forced to clean his plate. Marla emphasized the negative effects of forcing children to eat and the importance of respecting their boundaries.
The teacher seemed taken aback, but Marla made it clear that such behavior would not be tolerated. She vowed to ensure that the teacher would lose her job if this happened again and promised to report the incident if necessary.
Marla left the daycare with Johnny, reassuring him that there would be a treat later. Over the following weeks, she regularly visited the daycare at lunch, and the teacher never forced Johnny to eat again. Johnny’s mood improved, and he returned to enjoying daycare, free from the fear that had plagued him.